Author: arborrhythms

  • Gnostic Models

    Gnostic models help us to think about our embodiment by allowing meta-level analyses of both our selves and the world. This work explores the mental, emotional, and bodily aspects of several different multidimensional models and provides thought experiments and visualizations to deepen that understanding. Models of self and world are developed within multidimensional space. Mind, the knowing…

  • The Whole Part

    The Whole Part is an analysis of mind and body that uses mereology and reference. The text in various formats can be downloaded from

  • Science of Kindness

    The Science of Kindness is a project and website devoted to the rationale behind kindness, which I understand as roughly synonymous with the philosophy of human interconnection. The first task of the project was a lecture series in Eugene, OR: see the site for more details.

  • Rootlet

    Rootlet is a site that combines the principles of Participatory Budgeting and charitable giving.  Visit for more details.

  • Psygraph

    Psygraph is a meditation and mindfulness tool that quantifies information about your meditation sessions. Visit for more information, or just download the app from Google Play or the IOS App Store.

  • Cognitive Set Theory

    “This Knowledge that has no center or circumference, no inside or outside, is innocent of all partiality and knows no blocks or barriers … is a vast expanse of space.”~ Longchen Rabjam “A set is a many which allows itself to be thought of as a one.”~ Georg Cantor Cognitive Set Theory is a book about…

  • ArborRhythms Music Processor

    The basic premise behind the ArborRhythms Music Processor is that music can be represented with a tree structure, similar to the syntax of language.  If you are inclined to gory details, you might be interested in the book “A Generative Theory of Tonal Music”, by Lerdahl and Jackendoff. The name “arbor rhythms” literally means “tree…